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  • To identify the good practices and gaps that exist in the partners' countries concerning the training of professionals working with children before, during, and after the interview/hearing.
  • To discuss on the different possibilities of creating a basic training module, common to all professionals working close to the child, which will lead afterwards towards specific trainings for each activity: legal, police service, psychological, medical, or social.
  • To discuss about the content of a common procedure to train professionas, which will be the best adapted for the needs defined before between the partners.
  • To promote the multidisciplinary and international cooperation thanks to the organisation of several international meetings between the partners.

This programme is at destination of all professionals working in the frame of the taking in charge and collection of the evidence of children, victims of sexual violence: doctors and medical team, police officers, public prosecutor, lawyers and judges, psychologists, social workers, ad hoc administrators, associations for childhood’s protection.

The partners of the programme engaged themselves to provide to the coordinator (Child's Voice) all the information concerning the training in order to better establish the situation analysis of existing procedures in each country and manage to get a synthesis of them.

Each country should create a Follow up Committee that will gather a professional of each of the sectors mentioned befoe, then assign a referent, who will be the privileged interlocutor of the Child's Voice.

Transnationals Meetings between the partners will be organized in order to exchange the ideas and advises of each of them, to identify the best practices and to define the common action.

A final report will be written; a final conference will take place in Paris that will allow to difuse all the results of the programme.

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